癌症转移数据库: HCMDB
HCMDB (Human Cancer Metastasis Database), 聚焦癌症转移相关基因表达及功能.
Biomedical Databases
HCMDB (Human Cancer Metastasis Database), 聚焦癌症转移相关基因表达及功能.
lncRNADisease 2.0 (The LncRNA and Disease Database 2.0), 文献整理与疾病发生相关的长非编码RNA信息
dbDEMC 2.0 (A Database of Differentially Expressed miRNAs in Human Cancers 2.0), 集中癌症相关miRNA表达与功能
CMTTdb (The Cancer Molecular-Targeted Therapy database), 聚焦癌症靶向药物临床实验数据
ctcRbase (Gene expression database of circulating tumor cells/microemboli) 聚焦循环肿瘤细胞基因表达及功能
exRNAdisease (An extracellular RNA transcriptome atlas in human diseases) 聚焦人类疾病相关外泌体基因表达与功能