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General information
Objective:to evaluate pazopanib given as maintenance treatment following standard first line platinumbased chemotherapy in patients with advanced non small cell lung cancer.
Authors:O'Brien ME, et al
Title:Maintenance pazopanib versus placebo in non small cell lung cancer patients nonprogressive after first line chemotherapy: A double blind randomisedphase III study of the lung cancer group, EORTC 08092 (EudraCT: 201001856623, NCT01208064).
Journal:Eur J Cancer
Trial Design
Clinical Trial Id:NCT01208064
Target:Plateletderived growth factor receptor
Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor
Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2
Cancer Type:non small cell lung cancer
Cancer Subtype:non small cell lung cancer
Therapy Type:mono
Therapeutic Combination Type:NA
Therapeutic Combination Content:NA
Study Type:A double blind randomisedphase III study
Key Patients Feature:non small cell lung cancer patients nonprogressive after first line chemotherapy
Biomark Analysis:NA
Control Group Info:placebo
Treatment Info:pts were randomised to receive either pazopanib 800mg/day or matched placebo until progression or unacceptable toxicity.
Primary End Point:overall survival
Secondary End Point:progression free survival (PFS) and safety.
Patients Number:102
Trial Results
DLT_MTD:Patients with nonprogressive disease after 46 cycles of chemotherapy were randomised to receive either pazopanib 800mg/day or matched placebo until progression or unacceptable toxicity.
Objective Response Rate:NA
Disease Control Rate:NA
Median Time to Progression:NA
Median PFS A vs. C:4.3 vs 3.2(HR 0.67, [95% CI 0.431.03], p=0.068). PFS rates at 4 months were 56% and 45% respectively
Median OS A vs. C:17.4 vs 12.3 (HR) 0.72 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.401.28]; p=0.257
Adverse Event(agent arm):The majority of treatmentrelated adverse events (AEs) were grade 12. Grade 34 AEs (pazopanib versus placebo) were hypertension (38% versus 8%), neutropenia (8% versus 0%), and elevated SGPT (6% versus 0%). Of the patients randomised to pazopanib, 22% withdrew due to a treatmentrelated AE.
Conclusions:Switch maintenance with pazopanib following platinumbased chemotherapy in advanced non small cell lung cancer patients had limited sideeffects. This study was stopped due to lack of efficacy by stringent criteria for PFS at a futility interim analysis.