Entry Detail

General Information

Database ID:exR0091826
RNA Name:hsa-miR-2277-3p
RNA Type:miRNA
Start Site(bp):93620710End Site(bp):93620730
External Links:hsa-miR-2277-3p

Disease Information

Disease Name:Preterm Birth
Disease Category:Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications
MeSH ID:D047928
Type:Diseases Category/Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications
Alias:Premature Birth//Birth, Premature//Births, Premature//Premature Births//Preterm Birth//Birth, Preterm//Births, Preterm//Preterm Births

Expression Detail

GEO ID:GSE106224
Description:Exosomal RNA may reflect placenta deficiencies and provide better biomarker in preterm birth
Experimental Design:Disease vs Control
Case Disease Type:Preterm Birth
Case Disease SubType:NA
Case Sample:Preterm Birth
Control Sample:Control
Number of Case:20
Number of Control:50
Number of Samples:70

Regulatory Relationship

mRNA targets:NA
miRNA targets:NA
circRNA targets:NA
lncRNA targets:NA

Experiment Detail

GEO ID:GSE106224
Sample Source:Blood
Source Fraction:Plasma
Num of detected RNA Type:1
Num of detected RNAs of this Type:1522
Sample treatment protocol:Whole blood samples were centrifuged for 15 minutes at 2,000×g at 4°C to get plasma. EVs were isolated from 100 ul of plasma using size exclusion columns (iZON qEV, Cambridge MA) with de-gassed 1X PBS from a total of 22 selected samples, 11 from each group (Table 1). Eluate (~500 ul for each fraction) was collected in microfuge tubes individually. The protein contains and concentration for each fraction were assessed by protein gel electrophoresis and Bradford assay (BioRad, Hercules, CA).
RNA Extract protocol:RNA was isolated from all plasma samples, the 22 EV samples, and 22 corresponding EV-depleted fractions using miRNeasy Micro Kit (Qiagne, Germantown MD).
RNA library preparation protocol:Small RNA sequencing libraries were generated with a modified small RNAseq protocol (manuscript in preparation) that alleviates most of the adapter-miRNA ligation sequence bias problem.


Title:Extracellular vesicle RNAs reflect placenta dysfunction and are a biomarker source for preterm labour
Author:Fallen S, Baxter D, Wu X, Kim TK, Shynlova O, Lee MY, Scherler K, Lye S, Hood L, Wang K
Journal:J Cell Mol Med. 2018 May;22(5):2760-2773.
Description:We have used an improved small RNA library construction protocol and a newly developed size exclusion chromatography (SEC)-based EV purification method to gain a comprehensive view of circulating RNA in plasma and its distribution by analysing RNAs in whole plasma and EV-associated and EV-depleted plasma.