Entry Detail

General Information

Database ID:exR0094530
RNA Name:hsa-miR-548aw
RNA Type:miRNA
Start Site(bp):132945714End Site(bp):132945733
External Links:hsa-miR-548aw

Disease Information

Disease Name:Benign Ovarian Disease
Disease Category:Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications
MeSH ID:D010049
Type:Diseases Category/Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications
Alias:Ovarian Diseases//Disease, Ovarian//Diseases, Ovarian//Ovarian Disease

Expression Detail

Created with Highcharts 7.0.1Expression value (z-scores)Chart context menuExpression boxplotCaseControl-3-2-1012
GEO ID:GSE106817
Description:Integrated extracellular microRNA profiling for ovarian cancer screening
Experimental Design:Cancer vs Control
Case Disease Type:Benign Ovarian Disease
Case Disease SubType:NA
Case Sample:Benign Ovarian Disease
Control Sample:Non-Cancer
Number of Case:29
Number of Control:2759
Number of Samples:2788

Regulatory Relationship

mRNA targets:NA
miRNA targets:NA
circRNA targets:NA
lncRNA targets:NA

Experiment Detail

GEO ID:GSE106817
Sample Source:Blood
Source Fraction:Serum
Num of detected RNA Type:1
Num of detected RNAs of this Type:2535
Sample treatment protocol:NA
RNA Extract protocol:Total RNA was extracted each from 300uL serum samples using 3D-Gene® RNA extraction reagent from liquid sample kit (Toray Industries, Inc.).
RNA library preparation protocol:miRNA was labeled using 3D-Gene® miRNA Labeling kit in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


Title:Integrated extracellular microRNA profiling for ovarian cancer screening
Author:Yokoi A, Matsuzaki J, Yamamoto Y, Yoneoka Y, Takahashi K, Shimizu H, Uehara T, Ishikawa M, Ikeda SI, Sonoda T, Kawauchi J, Takizawa S, Aoki Y, Niida S, Sakamoto H, Kato K, Kato T, Ochiya T
Journal:Nat Commun. 2018 Oct 17;9(1):4319.
Description:to develop an optimal detection method, we use microarrays to obtain comprehensive miRNA profiles from 4046 serum samples, including 428 patients with ovarian tumors.