Entry Detail

General Information

Database ID:exR0192547
RNA Name:hsa-miR-30e-3p
RNA Type:miRNA
Start Site(bp):40754413End Site(bp):40754434
External Links:hsa-miR-30e-3p

Disease Information

Disease Name:Epilepsy
Disease Category:Nervous System Diseases
MeSH ID:D004827
Type:Diseases Category/Nervous System Diseases
Alias:Epilepsies//Seizure Disorder//Seizure Disorders//Awakening Epilepsy//Epilepsy, Awakening//Epilepsy, Cryptogenic//Cryptogenic Epilepsies//Cryptogenic Epilepsy//Epilepsies, Cryptogenic//Aura//Auras

Expression Detail

GEO ID:GSE114697
Description:Dual-center, dual-platform microRNA profiling identifies plasma biomarkers of adult temporal lobe epilepsy (Beaumont)
Experimental Design:Disease vs Control
Case Disease Type:Epilepsy
Case Disease SubType:NA
Case Sample:Epilepsy
Control Sample:Control
Number of Case:32
Number of Control:16
Number of Samples:48

Regulatory Relationship

mRNA targets:
Gene SymbolChromosomeStart Site(bp)End Site(bp)Strand
miRNA targets:NA
circRNA targets:NA
lncRNA targets:NA

Experiment Detail

GEO ID:GSE114697
Sample Source:Blood
Source Fraction:Plasma
Method:RT-PCR array
Num of detected RNA Type:1
Num of detected RNAs of this Type:78
Sample treatment protocol:NA
RNA Extract protocol:Total RNA was extracted from 200 ul of plasma using the miRCURY RNA isolation kit-biofluid (Exiqon).
RNA library preparation protocol:3 ul of total RNA was processed by reverse transcriptase and mixed with TaqMan OpenArray Real-Time PCR Master mix (1:1).


Title:Dual-center, dual-platform microRNA profiling identifies potential plasma biomarkers of adult temporal lobe epilepsy
Author:Raoof R, Bauer S, El Naggar H, Connolly NMC, Brennan GP, Brindley E, Hill T, McArdle H, Spain E, Forster RJ, Prehn JHM, Hamer H, Delanty N, Rosenow F, Mooney C, Henshall DC
Journal:EBioMedicine. 2018 Dec;38:127-141.
Description:Using a case-control design, we collected plasma samples from video-electroencephalogram-monitored adult TLE patients at epilepsy specialist centers in two countries, performed genome-wide PCR-based and RNA sequencing during the discovery phase and validated findings in a large (>) cohort of samples that included patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES)