Entry Detail

General Information

Database ID:exR0269208
RNA Name:hsa-tRNA-Asn-AAC
RNA Type:tRF
Start Site(bp):NAEnd Site(bp):NA

Disease Information

Disease Name:Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Disease Category:Respiratory Tract Diseases
MeSH ID:D006976
Type:Diseases Category/Respiratory Tract Diseases
Alias:Hypertension, Pulmonary//Pulmonary Hypertension

Expression Detail

GEO ID:GSE138107
Description:Non-invasive approach for evaluation of CTEPH using extracellular vesicle-associated small non-coding RNA
Experimental Design:Disease vs Control
Case Disease Type:Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Case Disease SubType:NA
Case Sample:Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Control Sample:Control
Number of Case:3
Number of Control:3
Number of Samples:6

Regulatory Relationship

mRNA targets:NA
miRNA targets:NA
circRNA targets:NA
lncRNA targets:NA

Experiment Detail

GEO ID:GSE138107
Sample Source:Blood
Source Fraction:Exosome
Num of detected RNA Type:3
Num of detected RNAs of this Type:57
Sample treatment protocol:Serum was collected by centrifugation at 3000×g for 10 min and samples were then frozen at -80°C until analysis.
RNA Extract protocol:total RNA RNA was isolated using the ExoRNeasy Midi kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) with a starting volume of 100 ul serum.
RNA library preparation protocol:SncRNA libraries were prepared using the TrueQuant technology (GenXPro, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)


Title:Non-Invasive Approach for Evaluation of Pulmonary Hypertension Using Extracellular Vesicle-Associated Small Non-Coding RNA
Author:Lipps C, Northe P, Figueiredo R, Rohde M, Brahmer A, Kr?mer-Albers EM, Liebetrau C, Wiedenroth CB, Mayer E, Kriechbaum SD, D?rr O, Nef H, Hamm CW, Keller T, Troidl C
Journal:Biomolecules. 2019 Oct 29;9(11). pii: E666.
Description:We aimed to determine whether extracellular vesicles isolated from patients with pulmonary hypertension show a disease specific signature of small non-coding RNAs and thus have the potential to serve as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers.