Entry Detail

General Information

Database ID:exR0358402
RNA Name:hsa-miR-6832-5p
RNA Type:miRNA
Start Site(bp):31633792End Site(bp):31633814
External Links:hsa-miR-6832-5p

Disease Information

Disease Name:Breast Cancer
Disease Category:Cancers
MeSH ID:D001943
Type:Neoplasms/Breast Neoplasms
Alias:Breast Neoplasms//Breast Neoplasm//Neoplasm, Breast//Breast Tumors//Breast Tumor//Tumor, Breast//Tumors, Breast//Neoplasms, Breast//Breast Cancer//Cancer, Breast//Mammary Cancer//Cancer, Mammary//Cancers, Mammary//Mammary Cancers//Malignant Neoplasm of Breast//Breast Malignant Neoplasm//Breast Malignant Neoplasms//Malignant Tumor of Breast//Breast Malignant Tumor//Breast Malignant Tumors//Cancer of Breast//Cancer of the Breast//Mammary Carcinoma, Human//Carcinoma, Human Mammary//Carcinomas, Human Mammary//Human Mammary Carcinomas//Mammary Carcinomas, Human//Human Mammary Carcinoma//Mammary Neoplasms, Human//Human Mammary Neoplasm//Human Mammary Neoplasms//Neoplasm, Human Mammary//Neoplasms, Human Mammary//Mammary Neoplasm, Human//Breast Carcinoma//Breast Carcinomas//Carcinoma, Breast//Carcinomas, Breast

Expression Detail

Created with Highcharts 7.0.1Expression value (z-scores)Chart context menuExpression boxplotCaseControl-0.35-0.3-0.25-0.2-0.15
Description:Circulating miRNA profiles from serum of women at high-risk for breast cancer
Experimental Design:Cancer vs Control
Case Disease Type:Breast Cancer
Case Disease SubType:NA
Case Sample:Breast Cancer
Control Sample:Healthy
Number of Case:24
Number of Control:24
Number of Samples:48

Regulatory Relationship

mRNA targets:NA
miRNA targets:NA
circRNA targets:NA
lncRNA targets:NA

Experiment Detail

Sample Source:Blood
Source Fraction:Serum
Num of detected RNA Type:1
Num of detected RNAs of this Type:2546
Sample treatment protocol:Serum is obtained from coagulated whole blood samples by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes.
RNA Extract protocol:RNA was isolated from a 200ul serum aliquot using the miRNeasy Serum Plasma kit with ce-miR-39 spike-in (QIAGEN), QIAcube (QIAGEN) automation, and eluted with 14uL of nuclease-free water.
RNA library preparation protocol:Exactly 8ul of RNA was tagged with a Poly-A tail, using an ATP driven reaction from the Affymetrix® FlashTag™ Biotin HSR RNA Labeling Kit.


Title:Development of a predictive miRNA signature for breast cancer risk among high-risk women.
Author:Farina NH, Ramsey JE, Cuke ME, Ahern TP, Shirley DJ, Stein JL, Stein GS, Lian JB, Wood ME
Journal:Oncotarget. 2017 Nov 28;8(68):112170-112183.
Description:We evaluated the ability of C-miRNAs to identify women most likely to develop breast cancer by profiling miRNA from serum obtained long before diagnosis.