Entry Detail
General information | |
Database: | DB00117 |
Objective: | to determine the proportion of patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma who were progression free at 6 months treated with erlotinib |
Authors: | Philip PA, et al |
Title: | Phase II study of Erlotinib (OSI774) in patients with advanced hepatocellular cancer. |
Journal: | J Clin Oncol. |
Year: | 2005 |
PMID: | 16170173 |
Trial Design | |
Clinical Trial Id: | NA |
Agent: | erlotinib |
Target: | Epidermal growth factor receptor |
Cancer Type: | liver cancer |
Cancer Subtype: | advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to surgical or regional therapies |
Therapy Type: | mono |
Therapeutic Combination Type: | NA |
Therapeutic Combination Content: | NA |
Study Type: | a phase II study |
Key Patients Feature: | Patients with either unresectable or metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma were studied. Only one prior systemic or locoregional therapy was allowed. |
Biomarker: | EGFR/HER1 expression |
Biomark Analysis: | EGFR/HER1 expression was detected in 88% of the patients. |
Control Group Info: | single arm |
Treatment Info: | Erlotinib was given continuously at a dose of 150 mg per day orally. |
Primary End Point: | ORR, DCR, PFS, OS, toxcity |
Secondary End Point: | NA |
Patients Number: | 38 |
Trial Results | |
Objective Response Rate: | Three patients had partial radiologic responses of duration of 2, 10, and 11 months, respectively. |
Disease Control Rate: | Disease control was seen in 59% of the patients. |
Median Time to Progression: | NA |
Median PFS A vs. C: | Ttheylve (32%; CI 95%, 18 to 49) of the 38 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma were progression free at 6 months. |
Median OS A vs. C: | Median overall survival time was 13 months. |
Adverse Event(agent arm): | Ten patients (26%) had toxicityrelated dose reductions of erlotinib. Grade 3/4 skin toxicity or diarrhea was encountered in five and three patients, respectively. |
Conclusions: | Results of this trial suggest a benefit for EGFRHER1 blockade with erlotinib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma manifested by disease control. Additional studies with erlotinib as a single agent or in combination with other agents are warranted. |