Experiment Detail

Experiment IDEXP00081
ReferenceTitle: Identification of metastasis-related microRNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Author: Budhu A, Jia HL, Forgues M, Liu CG, Goldstein D, Lam A, Zanetti KA, Ye QH, QinLX, Croce CM, Tang ZY, Wang XW.
Journal: Hepatology. 2008 Mar;47(3):897-907. doi: 10.1002/hep.22160.
Abstract: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been used as cancer-related biomarkers. Hepatocellularcarcinoma (HCC) is an aggressive cancer with a dismal outcome largely due tometastasis and postsurgical recurrence. We investigated whether the expression ofcertain miRNAs are associated with HCC metastasis. We examined the miRNAexpression profiles of 482 cancerous and noncancerous specimens from radicalresection of 241 patients with HCC. Using a supervised algorithm and a clinicallywell-defined cohort of 131 cases, we built a unique 20-miRNA metastasis signaturethat could significantly predict (P < 0.001) primary HCC tissues with venousmetastases from metastasis-free solitary tumors with 10-fold cross-validation.However, significant miRNAs could not be identified from the correspondingnoncancerous hepatic tissues. A survival risk prediction analysis revealed that amajority of the metastasis-related miRNAs were associated with survival.Furthermore, the 20-miRNA tumor signature was validated in 110 additional casesas a significant independent predictor of survival (P = 0.009) and wassignificantly associated with both survival and relapse in 89 cases of earlystage HCC (P = 0.022 and 0.002, respectively). These 20 miRNAs may provide asimple profiling method to assist in identifying patients with HCC who are likelyto develop metastases/recurrence. In addition, functional analysis of thesemiRNAs may enhance our biological understanding of HCC metastasis.
PMID: 18176954
Expressiion ProfileDescription: Unique MicroRNA Expression Signature Predicts Survival, Metastases and Recurrence of HCC
Organism: Homo sapiens
Platform: GPL4700
Number of samples: 482
Design and SampleCancer Type: hepatocellular carcinoma
Cancer SubType: N/D
Cell Line: N/D
Experimental Design: cancer vs normal
Case Sample: hepatocellular carcinoma
Control Sample: normal liver
Num of Case: 241
Num of Control: 241
Quantification Software: Limma
Num of miRNAs: 225
IdentificationNum of Up: 66
Num of Down: 123