Experiment ID | EXP00136 |
Reference | Title: Global microRNA expression profiling of microdissected tissues identifiesmiR-135b as a novel biomarker for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Author: Munding JB, Adai AT, Maghnouj A, Urbanik A, Zöllner H, Liffers ST, Chromik AM,Uhl W, Szafranska-Schwarzbach AE, Tannapfel A, Hahn SA. Journal: Int J Cancer. 2012 Jul 15;131(2):E86-95. doi: 10.1002/ijc.26466. Epub 2011 Nov19. Abstract: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is known for its poor prognosis resultingfrom being diagnosed at an advanced stage. Accurate early diagnosis and newtherapeutic modalities are therefore urgently needed. MicroRNAs (miRNAs),considered a new class of biomarkers and therapeutic targets, may be able tofulfill those needs. Combining tissue microdissection with global miRNA arrayanalyses, cell type-specific miRNA expression profiles were generated for normal pancreatic ductal cells, acinar cells, PDAC cells derived from xenografts andalso from macrodissected chronic pancreatitis (CP) tissues. We identified 78miRNAs differentially expressed between ND and PDAC cells providing new insights into the miRNA-driven pathophysiological mechanisms involved in PDAC development.Having filtered miRNAs which are upregulated in the three pairwise comparisons ofPDAC vs. ND, PDAC vs. AZ and PDAC vs. CP, we identified 15 miRNA biomarkercandidates including miR-135b. Using relative qRT-PCR to measure miR-135bnormalized to miR-24 in 75 FFPE specimens (42 PDAC and 33 CP) covering a broadrange of tumor content, we discriminated CP from PDAC with a sensitivity andspecificity of 92.9% [95% CI=(80.5, 98.5)] and 93.4% [95% CI=(79.8, 99.3)],respectively. Furthermore, the area under the curve (AUC) value reached of 0.97was accompanied by positive and negative predictive values of 95% and 91%,respectively. In conclusion, we report pancreatic cell-specific global miRNAprofiles, which offer new candidate miRNAs to be exploited for functional studiesin PDAC. Furthermore, we provide evidence that miRNAs are well-suited analytesfor development of sensitive and specific aid-in-diagnosis tests for PDAC. PMID: 21953293 |
Expressiion Profile | Description: Global microRNA expression profiling of microdissected tissues from diseased and non-diseased pancreatic tissues Organism: Homo sapiens GEO ID: GSE25820 Platform: GPL7731 Number of samples: 18 |
Design and Sample | Cancer Type: pancreatic cancer Cancer SubType: N/D Cell Line: N/D Experimental Design: cancer vs normal Case Sample: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Control Sample: chronic pancreatitis Num of Case: 5 Num of Control: 5 Quantification Software: Limma Num of miRNAs: 719 |
Identification | Num of Up: 150 Num of Down: 154 |