Experiment Detail

Experiment IDEXP00238
ReferenceTitle: MicroRNA-regulated protein-protein interaction networks and their functions inbreast cancer.
Author: Lee CH, Kuo WH, Lin CC, Oyang YJ, Huang HC, Juan HF.
Journal: Int J Mol Sci. 2013 May 30;14(6):11560-606. doi: 10.3390/ijms140611560.
Abstract: MicroRNAs, which are small endogenous RNA regulators, have been associated withvarious types of cancer. Breast cancer is a major health threat for womenworldwide. Many miRNAs were reported to be associated with the progression andcarcinogenesis of breast cancer. In this study, we aimed to discover novel breastcancer-related miRNAs and to elucidate their functions. First, we identifiedconfident miRNA-target pairs by combining data from miRNA target predictiondatabases and expression profiles of miRNA and mRNA. Then, miRNA-regulatedprotein interaction networks (PINs) were constructed with confident pairs andknown interaction data in the human protein reference database (HPRD). Finally,the functions of miRNA-regulated PINs were elucidated by functional enrichmentanalysis. From the results, we identified some previously reported breastcancer-related miRNAs and functions of the PINs, e.g., miR-125b, miR-125a,miR-21, and miR-497. Some novel miRNAs without known association to breast cancerwere also found, and the putative functions of their PINs were also elucidated.These include miR-139 and miR-383. Furthermore, we validated our results byreceiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis using our miRNA expressionprofile data, gene expression-based outcome for breast cancer online (GOBO)survival analysis, and a literature search. Our results may provide new insights for research in breast cancer-associated miRNAs.
PMID: 23722663
Expressiion ProfileDescription: MicroRNA expression profile of breast cancer patients with adjacent normal control group
Organism: Homo sapiens
GEO ID: GSE45666
Platform: GPL14767
Number of samples: 116
Design and SampleCancer Type: breast cancer
Cancer SubType: ER negative
Cell Line: N/D
Experimental Design: cancer vs normal
Case Sample: breast cancer
Control Sample: normal breast
Num of Case: 56
Num of Control: 15
Quantification Software: Limma
Num of miRNAs: 851
IdentificationNum of Up: 323
Num of Down: 231