Experiment ID | EXP00284 |
Reference | Title: Differential expression of miRNAs in colon cancer between African and CaucasianAmericans: implications for cancer racial health disparities. Author: Li E, Ji P, Ouyang N, Zhang Y, Wang XY, Rubin DC, DavidsonNO, Bergamaschi R, Shroyer KR, Burke S, Zhu W, Williams JL. Journal: Int J Oncol. 2014 Aug;45(2):587-94. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2014.2469. Epub 2014 May 27. Abstract: Colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality are higher in African Americans(AAs) than in Caucasian Americans (CAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) have been found tobe dysregulated in colonic and other neoplasias. The aim of this exploratorystudy was to identify candidate miRNAs that could contribute to potentialbiological differences between AA and CA colon cancers. Total RNA was isolatedfrom tumor and paired adjacent normal colon tissue from 30 AA and 31 CA coloncancer patients archived at Stony Brook University (SBU) and WashingtonUniversity (WU)‑St. Louis Medical Center. miRNA profiles were determined byprobing human genome-wide miRNA arrays with RNA isolated from each sample. Using repeated measures analysis of variance (RANOVA), miRNAs were selected thatexhibited significant (p<0.05) interactions between race and tumor or significant(fold change >1.5, p<0.05) main effects of race and/or tumor. Quantitativepolymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) was used to confirm miRNAs identified bymicroarray analysis. Candidate miRNA targets were analyzed usingimmunohistochemistry. RANOVA results indicated that miR-182, miR152, miR-204,miR-222 and miR-202 exhibited significant race and tumor main effects. Of thesemiRNAs, q-PCR analysis confirmed that miR-182 was upregulated in AA vs. CA tumorsand exhibited significant race:tumor interaction. Immunohistochemical analysisrevealed that the levels of FOXO1 and FOXO3A, two potential miR-182 targets, are reduced in AA tumors. miRNAs may play a role in the differences between AA and CAcolon cancer. Specifically, differences in miRNA expression levels of miR-182 maycontribute to decreased survival in AA colon cancer patients. PMID: 24865442 |
Expressiion Profile | Description: Differential Expression of miRNAs: Implication in Colon Cancer Racial Health Disparity Organism: Homo sapiens GEO ID: GSE48267 Platform: GPL10850 Number of samples: 122 |
Design and Sample | Cancer Type: colon cancer Cancer SubType: N/D Cell Line: N/D Experimental Design: cancer vs normal Case Sample: colon cancer Control Sample: normal colon Num of Case: 61 Num of Control: 61 Quantification Software: Limma Num of miRNAs: 851 |
Identification | Num of Up: 44 Num of Down: 53 |